
Heat Treatment Shop

Met-Heat Engineers Pvt. Ltd. operates a heat treatment shop unit situated in Por-Ramangamdi GIDC. The facility spans across 75,000 sq. ft., with a working area of approximately 7,000 sq. ft. We specialize in providing top-notch heat treatment services that enhance the performance and durability of your metal components. Our team consists of skilled metallurgists, technicians, and state-of-the-art equipment, enabling us to offer customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need annealing, stress relieving, tempering, or hardening, we ensure precise control over temperature and time to achieve the desired material properties. Regardless of the scale of your project, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional results that surpass industry standards. You can rely on our unmatched expertise and reliability in providing heat treatment solutions for your metal products.

Furnaces and Facilities -

No. Description Size (mm) Capacity
Pit Type Electric Furnace for Solution Annealing
800 DIA X 1350 DEPTH
1150 °C
Pit Type Electric Furnace for Carburizing
700 DIA X 1100 DEPTH
950 °C
Pit Type Electric Furnace for Gas Nitriding
700 DIA X 1100 DEPTH
950 °C
Pit Type Electric Furnace for Tempering
700 DIA X 1000 DEPTH
750 °C
Box Type Electric Furnace for Solution Annealing
600L X 320W X 320D

700L X 350W X 450D
1080 °C

1080 °C
Baggie Type Electric Furnace for Solution Annealing, Normalizing, Quenching and Tempering
3000L X 3000W X 2000H
1100 °C
Box Type Electric Furnace for Tempering
340L X 170W X 200D

900L X 750W X 650D
750 °C

750 °C
Polymer Quenching Tank
3500L X 3500W X 3000H
40,000 l
Oil Quenching Tank
1200L X 1200W X 2500D
3500 l
Water Quenching Tank
1200L X 1200W X2500D

3000L X 2800W X 1400H
3500 l

11,000 l
Overhead Crane
5000 Kg
Power Supply
300 KVA

Services We Offer

Heat treatment process where Carbon is diffused into the outer surface of steels in order to make it harder and wear resistant.

Heat treatment process where Nitrogen is diffused into the outer surface of steels in order to make it harder and wear resistant.

Heat treatment process where Carbon and Nitrogen is diffused into the outer surface of steels in order to make it harder and wear resistant.

Also known as ‘Ferritic Nitrocarburiizing’, this process diffuses Nitrogen and Carbon on the outer surface of steels in order to improve properties such as hardness, fatigue properties and corrosion resistance.

Heat treatment process used to increase ductility of metal and reduce hardness.

Heat treatment process used to increase ductility of metal and reduce hardness.

Heat treatment process used to minimize internal stresses of the metal by heating it below the critical temperature.

Heat treatment process used to heat the sample at high temperature and quench using Water, Oil, Polymer, etc to increase the hardness of the material.

Heat treatment process is usually followed by hardening to reduce internal stress after hardening and increase toughness of the metal.

 Heat treatment process used to dissolve particular precipitates into the metal and change its properties at a solution annealing temperature.

Also known as ‘Age Hardening’, this Heat treatment process used to increase the yield strength of metals by introducing precipitation elements and aging over time for the precipitates to dissolve uniformly into the metal matrix.

Quality Control and Lab Equipment